Parental Alienation Impact on children
Parental alienation issues are evident in 11-15% of the divorces, and as the figures suggest it’s one of the major issues in the family experiencing divorce environment. Children refusing to get in father’s car when he shows up for his weekend or they refuse to meet their mother are common scenarios most of us can relate to or can easily imagine. With the time, children start resisting the court-ordered parenting time schedule and it affects the life of all the person involved in the conflict. Parent to whom children favor more has an advantage in gaining a custody and access. As a result, parent starts sharing the negative attitude of their spouse, thus affecting the relationship of parent-child.
The process of parental alienation results in withdrawing of love and communication with a child which further begets low self-esteem, lack of trust, depression among young children. But are the adult children safe? Intensive research conducted over the last two decades suggests that drug alcohol problem, alienation from their own children and divorce in their own life are very common factors witnessed over the long term of the child.
Children in such environment fail to form a healthy relationship with their parent and it affects several personal traits like emotional distress, anxiety, and aggression. They can hardly forgive past indiscretions, and carries no guilt towards the rejected parent.
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